A Day in May

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Front yard friends

Originally uploaded by Jenn W.

I'm taking great pleasure in watching (and photographing) all the little feathered cuties that hang out in the trees in our front yard. One bird in particular seems to be extra vocal with me when I'm brushing snow off my car. I don't know if he's spurring me on, or mocking me.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Mutant daffodil.

Double daffodil

How cute is this little thing?! Mike bought me a little potted arrangement, and a couple days ago this sprung up.

Double daffodil

Saturday we were at Mill Race Park in Cambridge to do a quick photo shoot with a local group who is making a non-profit calendar for next year. It was COLD, but the shoot went well, and gave us all an idea of how we'll work together.

Saturday night, we saw Ubiquitous and Factor Fiction at a local bar, and I took a few photographs for both bands. They were fantastic! I wasn't crazy about the location, and apparently a big fight broke out later on, but I'd still go back to see either band play.

I didn't go tubing yesterday with Mike, because it was about minus 204 degrees outside yesterday. Neither the camera nor I work well in that kind of cold. Besides, I was at home tearing the damn house apart looking for the present we got for my dad. It's in a box, somewhere, and I still can't find it.

This morning I woke up with a killer migraine, and I still feel like death warmed over.

And I lost my damn keys, too.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Victoria Park

Victoria Park
Originally uploaded by Jenn W.

Because I miss green.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

A wholly unflattering view

Cyrus, yawning
Originally uploaded by Jenn W.

I usually want you to click on a picture to make it bigger, but in this case, I'd advise you not to. It's rather gross. Cyrus needs a kitty dentist, stat.

In other news...

Busy weekend coming up. A photography shoot Saturday morning, then we're going out to support a local band Saturday night (where I'll take hundreds more pictures), tubing at Chicopee on Sunday (for Mike, I'll be snapping shots), and then dinner at my dad's for his birthday (with all the kids! More pictures!).

You'd think I was in to photography or something, wouldn't ya.


Monday, February 20, 2006

Theo, eating a radish

Theo, eating a radish
Originally uploaded by Jenn W.

Theo also eats pickles, oranges, pineapple, avocado, cucumber, celery, and onion.

He also tries to bite the floor, but that's neither here nor there.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Malachi, fresh from a fight.

Malachi, fresh from a fight.
Originally uploaded by Jenn W.

I don't know who slapped him, but they left a nail in his face and drew blood.

A semi-relaxing weekend.

I took a Photography class yesterday. Then I spent hours last night, doing sweet F.A., other than playing with my camera. The cats are sick to death of having that thing shoved in their face.

Tough, I say.

This weekend full of 'down' time for me. Not down as is sad, but down as in 'not killing myself to do every speck of housecleaning and laundry and everything else I always do'. I enjoyed it. Go me.

Pictures later. Big surprise, eh?

Friday, February 17, 2006

Another leak

More water this morning.

Another crack in the foundation.

*bangs head*

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Charity dinner pictures

I'm kind of cheating here, but I'm *super busy* and don't have time to pull in all the pictures from Saturday night. So, I'm just going to re-direct you to my Flickr page, and you can check out the pictures, and read the captions to catch up. It was truly a wonderful night, and I was so glad for the opportunity. They haven't seen the pictures yet, so I don't know what they thought of them, but as soon as I know, so will you. :)

Anyway, start here. Thanks. *muah*

Friday, February 10, 2006


There are new pictures up of all eight of my cats. And my dog.

/advertisement. :)

Valentine's Charity Dinner

I have a photography 'gig' tomorrow night.

It's volunteer, yes, but it's professional, and it's a foot in the door. It's for a fund-raiser for a local charity; dinner, dancing, prizes, that kind of thing. 350 people or so, I'm to take shots of them coming in, dancing, accepting prizes, that kind of stuff.

I'm stoked.

(And a little scared.)

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


I have a twitch in my left eye.

A really strong, eyelid-wrangling, annoying twitch.

All the websites I've been to say that eye twitches are caused by stress, fatigue, and possibly caffeine.

They recommend getting more sleep, eliminating stressors, and reducing the amount of caffeine intake.


Have you SEEN my life lately?


Friday, February 03, 2006

The good, the bad, and the ugly.

The Good:
The move is DONE. No more apartments.
I love my house.
My animals are so bloody relaxed at the house. They love it.
I love having a washer and dryer right at my disposal.
I've got room to cook and bake now.
Bell came and fixed six phone jacks that the last people had wrecked. It was free because I had wire care, but would have cost me over $300 had I not.
The dog is in her glory, having her own little yard.
So are we, as it's a breeze now to let her out to do her business.
I got a postcard from Beth! My first non-payable piece of mail at the new house.

The Bad:
Still lots to do, like more painting, changing some taps, installing light fixtures.
Our internet connection sucks, because of our old lines. May switch to cable internet.
Cell phone reception in the house SUCKS.
We still have no curtains.
Boxes are *everywhere*. It's going to take me forever to unpack.
The dog barks at *everything* now. Sitting in that front window, yapping her head off.

The Ugly:
The old chest freezer died, probably because of the move. It was full, and we lost EVERYTHING.
Things in the kitchen rattle when the bus stops at the stop sign behind us.
There was another big crack in the foundation, and more water leaked in.
Can you say 'broke'? Our bank accounts are taking a big beating.
My asthma is so bad right now (probably stress-related) I'm only sleeping a bit at night, sporadically in between coughing fits. I've been off work half the week.

That's your update, for now. I've been SO damn busy, as you can well imagine. What have I missed around here?? How are YOU??

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