A Day in May

Friday, February 10, 2006


There are new pictures up of all eight of my cats. And my dog.

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At 10:11 AM, Blogger Sock Monty said...

I went to see the pictures of your pets & they are all so beautiful! You are very lucky! My family wants to have many pets, but we have none right now. We had a cat that was the most beautiful in the world, but now Mum is waiting until we have a house and can afford to care for pets the way they deserve. So I guess I'm the only pet until then! Tell all your pets they are lucky to have such a lovely large family! And a Mom who takes lots of pictures of them!

At 8:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LoL... that picture of Schmoe is funny.
She does not. look. amused. :รพ

~Mr. V


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