I have a twitch in my left eye.
A really strong, eyelid-wrangling, annoying twitch.
All the websites I've been to say that eye twitches are caused by stress, fatigue, and possibly caffeine.
They recommend getting more sleep, eliminating stressors, and reducing the amount of caffeine intake.
Have you SEEN my life lately?
Gotta love that "helpful" advice. ;-)
I think I would recommend: eat a banana, put some music you like (something with a good beat) on the record player & dance around your house! If you do some fun, purposeful twitching with your whole body, maybe your eye won't twitch so much unintentionally. A good dance & jump about never fails to make me feel super, even when I'm already tired. It's a good boost any time, and sure, I'm only a Sock Monkey, but I think it might make you feel super, too!
Hrm. Monty, I'm stuck on the 'record player' you speak of, but I'm sure I can find something groovy to dance to on iTunes!! ;)
A record player is this really great thing - you put these big round circles on it & music comes out of the really big boxes attached to it. The circles spin around & it's fun to watch, and I spin around, too & dance! It's really amazing technology!
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