Reno update.
While my brother was ripping apart our basement yesterday, he noticed a few things. Like this:

That pipe is the main pipe from our toilet upstairs. Apparently the 'do-it-yourself'ers that lived there before put the light fixture *directly under* the pipe. Uhhhh. Not so smart, yanno?
The light fixture is all corroded, and so unsafe. (As soon as my brother saw this, he turned off the hydro and totally disconnected that fixture.) Not only did they do this, but they put some seal in the bathtub drain in backwards (or something. That's why we called the plumber yesterday), they jimmy-wired the dishwasher, and there are a couple other circumspect issues in the house.
All in all, it's all fixable stuff. It means a little more work than we originally anticipated, but that's ok. I'm excited to see how it all turns out, and I know we'll be extremely proud when it's all done, and we look back at what we started with. I'm documenting everything with pictures (big surprise), and this will be one of our 'before' pictures:

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