Monday, January 02, 2006
About Me
- Name: Jenn
- Location: Ontario, Canada
I'm a newly-married, geeky last half of thirty-ish woman in Southern Ontario. We've just moved into our first house. I spend my time trying to unpack, holding down a full-time office job and trying to grow a home business. My husband and I have too many pets, numerous hobbies and volunteer commitments, and not enough hours in the day.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Previous Posts
- Resolutions
- New Year's Eve.
- Happy New Year
- The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire.
- Camera play
- Mama, no more pictures, please!
- Stuck at the office.
- I'm weak in the knees. Mike went out for a bit thi...
- iRobot
- Food and fun
Great picture! I looked at your other photos, too. Nice camera. ;-)
Thanks, Karen. I've been having TONS of fun with it.
The thing about a small water droplet is that if you look at it closely, it contains the whole world.
My Mum does photography, and I think it's funny that on her expensiver (comparitively) camera, she can't take a picture like your waterdroplet there, but on her super-ancient 35mm, which she never has time for anymore, she could...
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