A Day in May

Monday, January 02, 2006


Most people are posting 'year in review' blogs, or lists of their New Year's Resolutions.

Here's my really short year in review:

I got married, and we bought a house.


As for my 'resolutions', well, I hate to say it but I do have some. I don't want to call them New Year's Resolutions, though. I prefer to call them 'New ME Resolutions.' I woke up this morning with a completely different outlook on things than when I went to bed last night.

So, for starters, here are things I'm going to do for the new ME, starting right now:

Listen more, talk less. (And I mean really *listen*, not just 'hear'.)
Drink more water.
Sit up straight.
Walk every day. (Except when it's minus anything below zero. Then maybe I'll just skip in the garage.)
Organize Organize Organize!!! I swear the clutter around my house is killing me little bits at a time.
Take a photography course. (Swanky new camera, it would be good if I knew all it could do.)
Save my damn money.
No junk food.
Pick my battles.
Mean what I say, and more importantly, say what I mean.

That's it for now. I may just update this list from time to time, to keep it fresh and in the forefront of my mind.

What are *your* resolutions??


At 1:26 AM, Blogger Sock Monty said...

I'd like to learn to play an instrument. Not sure what instrument I should pick...


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