Postcard Project

Punching cattle postcard
Originally uploaded by Jenn W. So, I saw this idea and thought it was something I'd love to do. I'm not great at writing letters, but I love sending (and getting) postcards. And I don't know anyone who doesn't like getting a little note in the mail.
So, if you're interested, send me your contact information, and I will send you a postcard. If there's a specific theme or picture you want, let me know. I'm not going to guarantee I can get it, but if you prefer an animal picture over a landscape, I'll do what I can to oblige.
I'll even put my return address on the postcard, so if you want to send one back, you can. If you're interested, send your name and mailing address to essohess (at) gmail (dot) com with "Send me a Postcard!" in the subject line.
All information will be held in the strictest confidence.
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