
Balcony railing
Originally uploaded by Jenn W.
I'll be glad for winter, because then at least all the damn construction will stop.
That picture up there? That is what our old balcony railings used to look like, before they put in nice new not-rusted ones. That was over a year and a half ago. I think I've maybe touched the new ones *twice* because our balconies have been blocked off for one damn reason or another. We've lived here for almost two years and have never sat out on the balcony together to just enjoy the view.
The whole building has been underconstruction: new balconies, new siding, new windows, a gazebo thing in the back, and a whole slew of other 'improvements'. How it's an 'improvement' to get rid of the pool, I'll never know, but they did that too.
And it suddenly comes to me, as I bitch and moan about the state of the building, that it DOESN'T MATTER ANYMORE.
Why, you ask??
Sheesh. The things I forget when I'm tired.
Congratulations on your house!
I tried comment moderation, by the way. It gets annoying when you write something that gets a lot of comments, so I turned it off.
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