A Day in May

Monday, December 12, 2005

Monday, monday.

How is it already 8:00 pm?

Time bandits!

No? Oh.

I got all my change of address cards printed today, and all the labels done for my Christmas cards. Now, if I could only find the roll of stamps I know I have, I might get the darn things in the mail.

And that's it. No more packing, no housecleaning, nothing else got done.


I am lacking motivation in the worst way. I know I work well under pressure, but if I don't get more packing done, I'm going to be under some *serious* pressure in a couple weeks.

I also found out I have to make something for our office potluck on December 20. I think I'm just going to do an easy snack-y type thing, like chocolate covered pretzels.

Time to bundle up and take the pup outside for a little walk. Hope y'all are having a good night!


At 3:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sell the dog. It's our biggest distraction.


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