How do morning people do it?
(Right now, I'm at the Saturn dealership, getting an oil change done on my car. Thank the gods for laptops!)
I have realized I will need to change my schedule a bit. I will have to start waking up much earlier than I do now if I want to get the snow shovelled before work once we move. Plus, I will be able to do things like laundry in the morning, and start making a proper breakfast for once.
.....oooh, mind just wandered. There's a *sweet* SAAB in the showroom right beside me, and I can't seem to stop looking at it.
Ok, anyway. As I was saying. Right now I get up at about 6:30, and I leave for work by 7:15.
I can leave at the same time at the new house, because it's only a couple more minutes away, and I only have to go out of the house and down the driveway. Now, in this stupid apartment, I lose a few minutes just going down the elevator and into the underground garage. Mind you, I will have to brush off the car if it's snowy, but I can do that while the dog is doing her morning business.
All this getting up early means I will have to go to bed earlier. That is going to be the hard part. I don't sleep well. I need a bit of time to wind down. I try to be done all my 'chores' by nine so I can just surf or flake out before bed, and let myself wind down slowly. If I have to start winding down at 9 now, how friggin' early am I going to have to start winding down if I want to get up at 5?? Gah.
You know, part of the answer is dealing with how much time I spend on this bloody machine. I zone out here for way too long sometimes. I think I will need to actually set a specific time for internetting, and stick to it.
(yes, internetting. What??)
I think I might start now, and try to get in the habit before we move. I'll just start getting up earlier and earlier, until I'm at my goal.
And I think I might also cry a lot during this transition.
It was quite a while ago, but I remember the transition from underground parking to driveway parking. Yeah, the whole "cleaning off the car" thing can take some time. It helps if you're not a perfectionist. Unfortunately, I am.
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