A Day in May

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

21 days.

We get our house keys in three weeks. I feel like I'm absolutely about to BUST. I drive by the house every second day or so, and it's just so odd to not be able to GO IN. I don't think I've ever had to wait this long for something I've wanted so badly.

(Except for my husband.)

I actually managed to get work done around here tonight. Lots of packing done, a good amount of cleaning, and some phone calls.

I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow morning. A few weeks ago I dropped a steel cannister on my foot, and I still have a lump. It doesn't hurt unless I poke it. Or, when I try to get my shoe on. I have two pairs of shoes that I can't even *get* on because of the lump. And tonight I gave it a sister lump when I whacked my foot on the table leg.

Graceful, I am not.

Looks like the teams from Amazing Race are in Canada tonight. I think I'll head off to watch that, since it's the final episode. And I'm going to hex the Weavers while I'm watching.


At 3:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry I took so long. I never knew what it was like to breathe until I met you.

At 11:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My brother gets to move into his new house this Saturday. Of course, I'll probably be too tired to help since I come back from Alberta Friday night.


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