A Day in May

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Funny Guy

I mentioned Derek Edwards earlier. He's a comedian from Ontario, and the man is unbelievably funny. If you aren't familiar with his name, get thee here. Take about 7 minutes and watch him work. It's not just WHAT he says, but how he says it. He's got this unmistakable accent and these movements on stage that just crack me up, and he's CANADIAN. He talks about stuff that is SO familiar to me. The 401, and our weather, and Timmins, and Tim Horton's.

Mike and I, and a friend C, and her friend have tickets to see Derek Edwards at the River Run Centre at the end of the month. C and I have been huge fans of his for YEARS, and we damn near wore out an old video tape of him that C has. I wonder if she still has it? We should convert it to digital. No matter HOW crappy a mood you were in, Derek was guaranteed to have you making faces, talking funny, and giggling your butt off.

If you're in any area he's touring, I highly recommend going to see him.

There are some sound bites here, and another short video here.



At 9:25 AM, Blogger Philosophical Karen said...

I listened to some of these. He is pretty funny.


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