Monday, November 14, 2005
About Me
- Name: Jenn
- Location: Ontario, Canada
I'm a newly-married, geeky last half of thirty-ish woman in Southern Ontario. We've just moved into our first house. I spend my time trying to unpack, holding down a full-time office job and trying to grow a home business. My husband and I have too many pets, numerous hobbies and volunteer commitments, and not enough hours in the day.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Previous Posts
- Peek-a-boo
- They tower above me.
- Damn HTML
- Postcard Project
- The view from here
- Jebediah
- What language is this??
- Whatta you doing??
- Want a cookie?
Those are some whiskers! Looking forward to hearing about spice cookies. ;-)
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