Playing catch-up
It's been an incredibly busy week. Work has been a little nutty, as usual, for both Mike and I. He's actually going to the States (Kentucky) next week for training. It'll be odd, not having him here. We've only been apart one other time, and that was last year when he went to the States for training for his job. Then they are sending him to Indiana in May, again for training.
We're still having some animal concerns. Trifle went in for another round of xrays, and they now say her lungs look better, but her heart is enlarged.
Make. Up. My. MIND!
I told the vet we really need to know what's going on with her, because all of the rollercoaster diagnosis stuff is starting to get old. She apologized profusely, and explained that they can only go by what they see on each xray, and the previous bloodwork she had done. They are not completely sure what is wrong with her, but they do want to continue trying to find out. So our next step is an ultrasound. I'm just waiting now for them to book an appointment with their ultrasound tech. I've taken a leave of absence from volunteering at the hospital, at least until we get a better idea of what's going on. Most times she shows no sign of being sick, except she gets *very* tired, very quickly.
And then there is Mo. She's nearing 22 years of age, and just will not give up the ghost. She's one of the strongest little fighters I've known. Numerous times this year, I seriously thought I would find that she had passed during the night, or during the day while I was at work. Nope, she kept on going. Last month she had an upper respiratory infection - I thought that would be then end of her. Nope, she fought that off and was as spunky as ever. But now, unfortunately, I think we're really looking at the end. Her kidneys are failing, and at her age, I'm not putting her through dialysis or any other invasive procedures. We want her to go as painless and with as much dignity as possible.
In much lighter news, we are planning on bringing the kitten home at the end of April. She (I keep calling her she, but I don't know for sure) and her siblings are eating solid food and using the litterbox. They are super-curious, and SO playful. Pictures?? Why, ok!!

Isn't she getting big?! One thing we have noticed about her 'stump' though, is that it seems to be growing with her. In fact, it feels like she actually has a partial limb, but that it is *stuck* under her skin! So, as soon as we get her home, she goes right to the vet. We'll have xrays done, and find out whether surgery is required. They may have to either free the limb, or amputate it completely.
And now I'm suddenly thinking that I should get a second job to help pay for all these vet bills.
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