A Day in May

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Hurry up and wait

I was on my home for lunch today, in the middle of what little bit of traffic there was on Lancaster Street. Not too fast, not too slow.

Some young guy came flying up behind us, and apparently was on his way to a fire, because he just HAD to go faster. He, in his little lowered Toyota, zipped over into the (empty) curb lane and gunned it.

(There's a reason that curb lane was empty. Everyone but him could see there was a TON of water gathered at the curb, for a good few feet.)

He picked up speed, hit the water at full force, damn near drove his car into the curb, all the while sending a *wave* over those of us in the lane beside him. Steam poured out from under his car, and the kid jumped back into our lane before the road went back to just one lane.

Then the little bugger's car promptly stalled, blocking all of us behind him.

Yeah. Because driving like a jerk will get you there SO much faster.


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