The Big C.
I wanted to tell you all more about Rent, and how it was an absolutely *fantastic* show, and how I'd love to see it again some time.
And then I wanted to tell you all how I spent the morning with my mom and friend looking for wedding dresses.
But all I can think of now is how the vet just told me my sweet little puppy probably has cancer.

It looks to be in her lungs, and it is most likely untreatable. All we can hope is that it leaves her good lung alone, and doesn't cause any more problems than it already is. (Which, right now, is just regular coughing. Otherwise, she's still a ball of fire.)
There's much more to this story, but man. I am just tired. My head, and my heart, need a break from thinking about this. I'll update more when I know more, and once Mike and I have discussed what path we'll take with this.
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