A Day in May

Monday, March 21, 2005

A little of this, a little of that.

I'm so glad I had Thursday and Friday off of work. After getting the news about Trifle on Thursday, I really needed some 'me' time. Friday I spent doing some errands, and cleaning the house, and filing papers and things. I got our tax stuff together and dropped that off to be done, and then took some pictures and a video of some kittens. Now, if squealing kittens can't make you smile, there's something wrong with you.

Friday night I went to my Dad's house. Oma and Opa have returned from Florida, and were at the house before they headed up to the cottage for the summer. I had a migraine, but also knew that some time with family, especially my ultra-adorable nephews, would do a headache good. Again, some things just HAVE to make you smile.

Saturday was an excellent day. Mike headed off to hockey and I stayed in my jammies till noon. I have over 10,000 photos to sort through on the computer, and I got a chunk of that done. When Mike got back from hockey, we dropped the dog off at her grandma's and headed out to Toronto. We went to the Lush store, and then down to the Mac store. After shopping, we grabbed a bite to eat and then drove out past the Beach, out to Fallingbrook and Kingston, and toured through some side streets just looking at houses. Back on Queen, we found our way to the back of the water treatment plant and Mike walked right down to the water. I would have joined him, but I was busy taking pictures. And also, *brrrr*. I was cold enough standing in shelter, I didn't want to head down to the beach. The weather was getting worse, so we headed home.

Sunday was the usual: groceries, then errands and cleaning/laundry. Mike had hockey last night, and I used that time to do more work on the computer, and get my head ready for work today.

I'm glad it's another short week. I want to get all of those pictures sorted so I can get them uploaded to my gallery.

Enough for now. I've got some work to catch up on, and some phone calls to make.


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