A Day in May

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Winter bitchfest

Winter is officially here. And, truth be told, that's fine with me. I know I bitch about winter, but I do actually like the snow, and the cold, but what I can't stand is the people. Here's my two big winter rants:

Workmates: Because it is now winter and snow will be on the ground for the better part of the next few months, please adjust your schedule accordingly. This weather phenomenon is common enough that you should leave yourself enough time to deal with it every day, instead of coming to work late and announcing with surprise that 'it snowed!', and then telling us all how long it took to clean off your car and brave the snowy streets to get here. We get MIGHTY sick of this by April.

Bully drivers: If you are driving a large truck and you are behind a teeny car in a blizzard? SLOW DOWN. Driving so close that all they can see is your damn grill in their mirror is really not going to help anything. One of two things inevitably happens:

1) You are behind a driver that is not comfortable going much faster than they already are, and you bully them, causing them to speed up and become anxious, thusly ruining their damn drive, or to speed up and dump themselves in a ditch, oh, and now look, you have room to pass.


2) You will drive behind someone like me, who really doesn't give a rat's ass that you can drive faster than me in this weather. People like me rebel, and will slooooow right down, to a crawl even, snickering to ourselves that we are probably pissing you RIGHT off, thusly ruining YOUR damn drive and making ours somewhat fun. I figure you are probably not a world renowned surgeon, on your way to the hospital to perform a liver/brain/heart transplant, and that the world will actually NOT end if it takes you a couple extra minutes to get where you're going.

(And yes, a third thing can happen. You'll speed up and pass, or they'll speed up and turn off, and everyone gets to where they're going, but that's just no fun to bitch about.)

There you go. Rant over. I must work.

And hey, Americans - - Happy Thanksgiving!


At 2:31 PM, Blogger Philosophical Karen said...

You drive sort of like I do. Sometimes. Not so much any more. I don't slow down on purpose, I just keep my same pace. I know bad things happen if I let myself get bullied, so I don't.

At 4:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahaha I'm a "let's slow way down and piss this guy off" driver too! But that's what they get when they tailgate in a blizzard, geez.

At 10:40 PM, Blogger Mike said...

It's the people in the big trucks and SUVs that usually end up in the ditch during snowstorms when they realize the following:

1. 4x4 does not help you stop.
2. Wide tires stay on top of the snow (and don't sinck down to the roadway).
3. 2700kg of steel and plastic has a lot of momentum and takes a long time to stop on a slippery surface.


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