I got nothin'.

Originally uploaded by Jenn W.
Whoa. It is *bitter* out there. My poor dog, her belly barely higher than the snow she was standing in, almost fell over in a gust of wind. One more reason why I can't wait for us to be in the house. Her whole run is fenced, a good solid 6 foot-ish high fence, so she'll be nice and sheltered on nights like this. And of course, I don't have to stand out there with her while she does her business.
If the weather cooperates, we're going here on Saturday (after a stop to pick up necessities at Lush, though). Mike's parents are coming with us, and I'm bringing the camera, for SURE. (Winter means I don't take *nearly* enough pictures. Boo.)
You know, I really like Blogger, but I do wish I could password protect some posts. And because I can't, I have no more to add right now.
It's getting chilly in here now. Time to go crawl under all my blankets. 'Night.
Oh, well, sorry you can't password protect your posts.
Little dogs have a hard time in this weather. It'll be nice for you all when you have your new house.
I can *just* 'imagine' what you'd put in those password-protected blogs! xxoo
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