A Day in May

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Sick and tired. Literally.

I've been fighting off a bit of a cold all week, and today it might just get the best of me.

And I'm also so ungodly tired I can't even think straight.

The new drugs the dog is on? Makes her pee Every. Two. Hours.

It wouldn't be so bad if I could just lean her out the door to go, but NO! I have get fully dressed, get my shoes on, grab my keys, go down the hall, wait for the elevator, go down seven floors, go through the lobby and out the front door and down the driveway to the lawn. Then coming back in it's wrestle with the first set of doors, unlock the second set, cross the lobby, get the elevator, etc. etc.

Mike does this all day while he's home with her, I do it all evening while he's at work. Next week, he's gone to the States. How on earth am I going to manage her? I'm thinking I should buy doggy diapers. Thank goodness she goes down half a dose soon, because then this all might just become manageable.

Even, in my state of desperation last night, put a HUGE pile of papers on the balcony, hoping her paper training puppy days would come back to her, and she would pee out there during the middle of the night. No go. Not even remotely.


The worst thing of all? This medication doesn't seem to be helping her one. single. bit, so it feels like we're doing all this for nothing.


Mom is taking her tomorrow afternoon, and I had her at work with me yesterday. Sheesh.

People say we have no responsibilities because we have no kids - let me tell you, with 14 pets (two of which require daily medicine and extra care), we have TONS of responsibilities.

And I obviously haven't learned my lesson, because tomorrow night I pick up our three-legged kitten.


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