A Day in May

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

We Have Squatters

Now, anyone who knows me knows I love rats, but any wild rats on my property have to find new homes. (Or any other wild animal, for that matter.) I've made arrangements with a wildlife rescue lady who is willing to come and get them once they are trapped. There is a trap there, not set yet, but I want them to get used to seeing it.
Our new house came with tenants.

We've seen two out playing in the front yard. Frolicking among the leaves and rocks, and generally being totally adorable. Then one day we only saw one out, and shortly thereafter our neighbour told us that the hawk who lives in our area made a meal of something off our driveway one day, and he thought it might have been one of the rats.
Our squatter.

I guess we'll see if the other one turns up.
I leave cat food out for them, and they come out on nice sunny afternoons and have a snack on my porch.

They really are cute, but I own a terrier.

'Nuff said.


At 8:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rats aren't cute, Jenn. I don't know who told you that, but they lied. ;)

I prefer chipmunks. Now, I'm sure you'll have horror stories to tell me about chipmunks with rabies. I don't care. They're cute and can eat off my porch any time. Rats, however, are not allowed.



At 8:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


They aren't welcome... but you feed them? You better get your priorities straight!

At least the hawk knows what's up.

At 8:54 AM, Blogger Jenn said...

I am feeding them because I have a trap set for them. Rats will not just wander into a trap. The trap is out, but unbaited and not set. They are coming up to the deck to eat the food, and when I bait the trap I'm hoping they'll go in there to eat. Once I know they trust it enough to go in and eat, I will SET the trap. Rats are smart, man.

At 9:14 AM, Blogger Philosophical Karen said...

Well, that's one way to handle it. Maybe the hawk will take care of the remaining one.


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