Customer Circus
Yes, this is long, but it's a perfect example of the rampant stupidity you find in service these days. Common sense is NOT common.
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We had a client in the office yesterday, doing a short presentation for some staff. It was being arranged between our client and one of our branch offices, but I somehow ended up being the contact for the client. He asked Monday if I wouldn't mind ordering pizza for everyone for lunch. No problem, none at all, I told him.

Wrong. It took me about an hour yesterday to deal with the pizza issue. I was dealing with a local chain, because I knew they had a special on Tuesdays. I won't mention any names here.
Anyway, I called them Monday night, to see if they'd prefer to get the order early, or would Tuesday morning be fine. (I was being considerate. I know that six pizzas right at noon can be a big order.) I was told 'no problem, call in the morning, they'll be able to help you'.
This was my conversation with Pizza Girl (at 10 am yesterday morning):
(exchange of usual phone pleasantries, of which PG had none)
Me: I'd like to order six large pizzas to be delivered to my office at noon.
PG: Noon today?
Me: Yes, noon today. I called last night and was told it would be no problem to order them this morning to be delivered at lunch.
PG: oh. (loooong pause). Ok.
(here I wait and let her figure out if her brain still works)
PG: Ok, well, what kind of pizzas would you like?
(I give her the details on the six orders, confirming that they have a Tuesday 2 for 1 special.)
(She then confirms all the details regarding the pizzas and the promotional special, along with my company name and number and directions, etc.)
then I hear a looooong pause. (It is now 10:15)
PG: Ummm. I think I may have just cleared this whole order.
Me: Uh, what?
PG: I might have just cleared this whole order. I don't know this computer too well.
Me: Well then, why don't you write this order down, figure out your computer, and when you have a total for me, call me back so I can give you the credit card information.
PG: Oh, I can give you the total. (How she can do this when the whole order is cleared is beyond me, but whatever.)
Me: Ok, whatever, give me the total.
PG: $76.41
Me: For six pizzas, three of which are free?
PG: Oh, no, that's the regular price.
Me: Well, I'm not PAYING the regular price, AM I?? I'm paying the 2 for 1 price, right? So THAT is the total I would like you to give me.
(At this point, I am at my desk holding my head. If this wasn't one of my most favourite clients in the world, I would have said screw it, and bought them donuts or something.)
PG tells me she will figure out her computer stuff and call me back with the proper total. I asked her if maybe she wanted to know my NAME so she would know WHO to call back!
PG: Oh, uh, yes, I guess.
At 10:50, PG calls me back.
She gives me my total, re-confirms everything, and asks for the credit card information. She even reads the credit card numbers back to me. Two points for her.
An hour later, the delivery guy shows up. I take the pizzas, and he asks for cash. I say "it was on a credit card" and he shows me the receipt that says 'cash'. I call PG, while the driver is standing right beside me, and I ask her exactly what she did with the credit card numbers that I gave her just an hour ago??
PG: Oh, yes, you gave me numbers, didn't you. Hrm. Sorry. Tell the driver to come back, we'll give him a new receipt, and he'll have to bring it back to you for signing.
Me: *grumble* (At this point, I am beyond frustrated, and will probably cry if I have to deal with her ever again.)
Either cry or go 187 on her pitifull little pea-brain, right?
You got that right, Kev. (Hey, how'd you find me?)
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