A Day in May

Tuesday, May 24, 2005


Remember last post how I was complaining about tooth pain? Well, I went to the dentist today so he could take an xray of the offending chunk of bone.

Not good news.

Apparently I have a cyst on my lower jaw. It's about the size of a grape, and is pressing into the bone.

I have an appointment with a specialist on Thursday.

I'm just hoping that this doesn't affect our planned vacation next weekend. We haven't actually bought the plane tickets, and we won't until we know what's going on with my jaw.

*sigh* I'll be sure to update when I know more.

In non-tooth related news, three finch babies were born last week, and I've been keeping an eye on them. They're not nearly as noisy as I thought they'd be.

The kitten is completely insane, and we love her to death. She's sitting on my lap right now, purring away. Pictures will be coming soon, I'm sure.

Hope you all are well.


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